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In addition to any information and statements required by your target journal every cover letter should contain the following elements. Center your name and contact information at the top of your letter.

Cover letter example for journal article submission. For example, use (White and Smith 1977) and (Brown, Green, and Stone 1984). For more than three authors, use (Hunt et al. 1975) unless another work published in that year would also be identified as (Hunt et al. 1975); in that case, list all authors, for example, (Hunt, Bent, Marks, and West 1975). 3. Reference List Style. Journal Article This information is probably available through the journal’s online submission system, but it is proper to provide it in the cover letter, too. Begin your cover letter with a paragraph that states the name of the manuscript and the names of the authors. You can also describe what type of manuscript your submission is (research article, review. So a brief, hurriedly written cover letter with just the basic information—title of the paper, journal name, and contact details of the corresponding author—adds little value to the submission. Here are some additional important points to mention in your cover letter for journal submission:

Sample cover letter journal submission. Submitting a cover letter to your desired journal is a chance to foyer that speaks on behalf of the manuscript you have done. Here are few tips to sample cover letter journal submission to get it right. Your Email Address. The cover letter accompanying your journal submission is your chance to lobby on. A good cover letter will help "sell" your manuscript to the journal Editor. It is not enough to send a manuscript to a journal Editor like this: Dear Editor-in-Chief, I am sending you our manuscript entitled "Large Scale Analysis of Cell Cycle Regulators in bladder cancer" by Researcher et al. journal cover letter template – Formal Rebuttal Letter Template Copy Sample Cover Letter Journal … Sample Cover Letter For Journal Submission Cover Letter Template … journal article cover letters – sample cover letter for paper submission in journal journal … Example Cover Letter for Journal Submission Best Of Sample Cover …

For example, PLOS requires that authors describe any prior interactions with the journal in the cover letter, as well as suggest appropriate Academic Editors from the journal's editorial board to handle the submission. Some journals require that sentences are provided verbatim in the cover letter. How to Write the Best Journal Submission Cover Letter Attachment: Annotated-Template-Journal-Submissions-Cover-Letter1.docx If you’re looking for solid advice on how to write a strong journal submission cover letter that will convince journal editors to review your research paper, then look no further! Keep your first letter as a template, making adjustments for each journal. If you plan to submit to a journal more than once, save that letter separately under the journal's name. This saves you time if the story or poem gets accepted somewhere else and you have to write to withdraw your submission.

(Ex: Research Article, Review Article, Short Communication, Case Reports, Letters, Editorials) The research project was conducted under the supervision of: (Provide the name of the Supervisor with his/her complete information) Submission template: For: Cover Letter . Dear Kohei Miyazono, Editor-in-Chief of. Cancer Science: I would like to submit a manuscript titled ‘(please add manuscript title here)’ for possible publication in . Cancer Science. 1, The Author(s) declare that the paper is being submitted for consideration for A good cover letter can help to “sell” your manuscript to the journal editor. As well as introducing your work to the editor you can also take this opportunity to explain why the manuscript will be of interest to a journal's readers, something which is always as the forefront editors’ mind.

You may be required to submit a cover letter with your submission. Individual journals may have specific requirements regarding the cover letter's contents, so please consult the individual journal's Guide for Authors. A cover letter is a simple, brief business letter, designed to introduce your manuscript to a prospective Editor. 007 cover letter for article publication journal submission example manuscript valid research + related examples about singular paper sample ~ Museumlegs. 012 Research Paper Cover Letter For Journal Submission Example Pu. 109 Shares. 157 Pins. 58 Tweet. 337 Shares. 125 Shares. 165 Shares. A letter can only achieve this goal, however, if it is well written, contains everything the particular journal’s author instructions request for cover letters and offers specific and detailed information about why the research reported and the paper itself are perfect for the journal and of special interest to its readers.

I recently received a submission with a cover letter that began: PUBLICATIONS & AWARDS: To date, 30+ short fiction publications in print and online and 12 writing awards. Details on request. Open your cover letter with a sentence or two explaining why you are writing, the title of your manuscript, and the title of the journal. Example: “I am writing to submit our manuscript entitled, “Taking antioxidants plus zinc reduces the risk of advanced age-related macular degeneration for high-risk patients,” for consideration for. Writing a cover letter to a journal Why write a cover letter? The cover letter you send to your chosen journal is how you and your manuscript make a first impression. And you want to make a good first impression. You can use your cover letter to describe your study, its importance and why it will be interesting to the journal’s readers.

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